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Qualities to become an Ideal Leader

Chapter 3

Qualities to become an Ideal Leader

Everyone hopes to have an ideal leader in their community. The book teaches us the qualities to become an ideal leader. As you read in the book, the prize of the easter egg hunt was being the owner of the OASIS, which is an ideal world. To win the easter egg, Wade needed 3 different keys, good teammates, the risk-taking skills. Without finding the keys, Wade wouldn’t be able to open the easter egg. Additionally, without his teammates, such as Art3mis, Aech, Wade couldn’t get help from them, and he would definitely struggle. Lastly, Wade performed a lot of risk-taking skills, which helped him, such as declining the IOI’s deal.

If we combine these plots to the symbols of the books, we can notice the qualities needed to become an ideal leader. Because the OASIS represents the ideal world, the leader of OASIS would also mean an ideal leader. Firstly, 3 different keys. Because Wade needed a lot of knowledge to earn the keys, an ideal leader definitely needs the knowledge. Secondly, good teammates. Without the teammates, Wade would’ve got into the challenges a lot. The teammates represent the allies who help us. Hence, an ideal leader also needs helpful allies. Thirdly, risk-taking skills. Risk-taking skills helped Wade to end up in winning the hunt. Therefore, an ideal leader also needs risk-taking skills.  Fourthly, in the book the IOI wasn’t able to win the hunt, and achieve the power. Because the IOI represents the modern slaveries, and totalisms, we can notice that totalisms and slaveries are not a way to become an ideal leader. In conclusion, "Ready Player One" teaches us the qualities needed to become an ideal leader; Knowledge, Good Allies, Risk-taking, and not having modern day slaveries or totalisms.

Messages to Current Leaders

I think "Ready Player One" also has a message to our leaders in society, which is trying to be as close as the ideal leader. It is not easy to be an ideal leader, and they are some leaders who are going to the wrong path. For example, there are still several countries who follow modern day slaveries and totalism. Most of the citizens in those countries are in serious poverty. Additionally, there are still a lot of leaders in the world who are ignorant of the world. Because they don’t have enough knowledge, they don’t make the best choices, which wouldn’t help the country. Because there are still some countries, and leaders who are ignorant of the qualities to become the ideal leader, I personally think that "Ready Player One" is giving the messages to them.

Qualities to become an Ideal Leader: Services
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